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Round 5a

Subject: Re: Final email
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2012 13:59:46 -0400
From: Jack Ludwick <>
To: Wade West <>
CC:  deleted

If you'd carefully read my note, you'd have seen that what I said was that we have yet to receive anything in writing that specifies a date. 

After all the misunderstandings that have already resulted, we're obviously leery about agreeing to an assurance that "(our) first choice" was accepted is adequate.  If you have a note that either you or your travel agency have sent us that specified that October 18 was accepted, please forward it.

We have an appointment now, so we'll respond to your other comments later.


Jack Ludwick

On 6/1/2012 1:48 PM, Wade West wrote:



I’m sorry, but you note is incorrect.


When Samantha sent you a list of available dates, you selected three dates, your first, second and third choice IN WRITING, then signed and returned the form.  Your first choice was October 18.  I have previously told you IN WRITING that your first choice of dates, October 18, as shown on the form you completed, was reserved for you until you wrote demanding a refund.  At that point it was released, as we have told you in writing previously.    


Why some of the dates are the same as Virgin Vacations?  I don’t know, and frankly, why should anyone care?  It’s probably because they are good travel dates.  As I have told you previously, in writing, we don’t use Virgin Vacations, and if we did, what would that matter?  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the fixation on Virgin Vacations.  We have an obligation to provide the trip as described in writing on the certificate you were given, which you signed and returned to us.  It was also the same description as was included, word for word, in the program each attendee received.


Why you chose to be so focused on suspicions regarding us from the outset; I don’t know and cannot address.  I have answered each of your emails on an immediate and through basis.  All I can say is that in thousands of travelers, we have never had any traveler interaction even remotely resembling this.   


We did not say your October 18 date was or was not available again.  I specifically said it might be, but we could not check while the vendors were still honoring a possible refund request.  I believe that concept is very easy to understand. 


We do not have “ploys,” or anything of that nature.  For example, as we have pointed out to you previously, the time it took our agents to completely assure all elements, (air, cruise, hotels, etc,) of your trip were available was the exact same number of days it took you to call your Foreign Service friend to learn when was the best time to travel to China.  All this occurred 4 months before you wished to travel, so there was obviously never a time emergency.  I’m sorry that Samantha did not stop everything else to just handle your trip, but she has other timely responsibilities…. and I often get rave reviews of her work. 


There is one and only Samantha.  She has communicated with you, including the telephone call you did not receive because you turned your cell phone off.


With all respect, this foolishness has occupied way too much of our time, and more importantly, the time of the officials at the Orchestra who have better things to do than read a whole series of quarrelsome and overwrought emails.  We have gone out of our way to accommodate you, even arranging a refund for you, and getting you your first choice of travel dates.  This is the last reply we will make to this ongoing series of emails.  We will not continue to be buggered into endless conversations about suspicions and complaints.  I believe this is clearly a case of buyer’s remorse and will not continue to engage in a non-productive series of emails regarding it.    


The situation is very simple.  You purchased a trip.  We have been and are prepared to provide that trip exactly as described, and is taken by dozens of people each year.  At your request, we obtained a refund authorization for you.  It had a time limit set by the vendors.  We even arranged for that time deadline to be extended for you.  We notified you of this in writing in each case. 


Samantha will mail you another set of available dates.  Hopefully it will include your October 18 choice but that is not within our control.  You will know when you receive them.  When you complete it, like every other traveler does, we will then process your trip, as we do for every other traveler.  If you wish the refund we previously were able to obtain, we will ensure you receive it even if we must work with the vendors again to ensure it is given, but that choice must be made within the next seven days.  That is certainly a reasonable time.  We hope you take the offered refund, as I doubt we can please you in any case.  Those are the two options open to you.  Endless emails are no longer an option. 


This concludes our special handling of this matter, and we will not respond to further object-less emails, nor ask Orchestra officials to read them.  We will accept an email regarding your desires for a refund as described below.  Feel free to send all the emails you wish, but we have moved on to those actions which advance the trip or obtain the promised refund for you, not argue about the trip or our agency. 


We thank you again for your support of the Orchestra.  You will receive your new list of available dates within 7 days.  If you wish the refund we specified, please send me an email to that effect prior to 4:00 PM, EDT, on Friday, June 8, 2012.  Time is of the essence in your request for a refund. 




Wade West    


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