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Subject: Re: China Trip – Other Experiences
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 16:23:55 -0400
From: Jack Ludwick <>
To: Wade West <>
CC:  deleted

Actually, we hadn't asked for an itinerary, particularly for a trip long past – we already have the one Samantha sent us May 7; that is, Attachment 4 in my May 24 email.

What I did ask Nivia for was what date or dates had been found acceptable by them.  She said she didn't know; that Samantha handled the China trips and she wasn't in this week.


Jack and Betty Lou (once again) LUDWICK

On 5/30/2012 3:30 PM, Wade West wrote:

Mr Ludwig;


As you requested. this is a brief itinerary of a trip we recently used to China.  There might be some changes in yours due to flight schedules, ship schedules, river water levels, panda health, accommodations availability, etc.  but this is a good overview of the trip.  We used a Monday departure in this case 

DAY 1, Monday - Depart Miami, change to China flight in Los Angeles.  

DAY 2, Tuesday - Arrive in Beijing, transfer to hotel.  Rest of day to explore Beijing.

DAY 3, Wednesday - Summer Palace and Forbidden City & Tour.
DAY 4, Thursday - Explore Beijing and visit pandas at zoo.  Evening party in Beijing 

DAY 5, Friday - Great Wall Chinese countryside near Beijing. 

DAY 6, Saturday - Morning, last day of shopping in Beijing, Flight to Xian over noon, evening in ancient sectors of Xian.

DAY 7, Sunday - Xian with buried terracotta warriors, Culture Center and museum.

DAY 8, Monday - Flight to Wuhan then on to ship berth in port by land.  Dinner on land, then board ship.  Party aboard ship.

DAY 9, Tuesday - Three Gorges Dam and Xiling Gorge.

DAY 10, Wednesday - Incredibly scenic segment of cruise, Wuxia & Qutang Gorge.

DAY 11, Thursday - Cruise on to Whejeming and Fengdu.

DAY 12, Friday - Disembark from cruise; tour local China areas then fly to Shanghai

DAY 13, Saturday - Explore Shanghai, join 10,000 people and take "morning quiet exercises" by the lake. 

DAY 14, Sunday - Full Day in Shanghai.  Best shopping of entire trip. 

DAY 15, Monday - Explore ancient Shanghai, including Euro-styled waterfront.  Later in day, depart for US, transfer in Portland for flight to Miami.


From: Wade West []
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 11:07 AM
To: 'Wade West'; ''
Cc: deleted
Subject: RE: China Trip – Other Experiences – Contact


Mr. Ludwig,


I understand you called our travel agents last evening requesting itinerary information.  It is being prepared and will be forwarded to you today.


All the best,


Wade West 

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