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I sent the following note only to the McLean Orchestra officials, although now I wish I'd thought to also CC Wayne and his minions.  I still haven't received a response from anyone. I can only assume it's because, although they were embarrassed to have witnessed Wade West's offensive behavior, they had also been dependent on his organization to raise money for them.

I did hear from another Trustee to whom I'd been sending copies of our correspondence that they had received a check from the live auction "for the full amount." He had earlier confided that, after seeing the results of the McLean Orchestra auction, he was considering engaging Wade's organization as a fundraiser for his Rotary Club.

That Trustee was the one whom we'd been bidding against and who was later approached and purchased the trip for the same price.  Before doing anything else, he called and talked to Samantha who said she'd work with him in choosing dates, arranging upgrades, booking excursions, etc., and they'd even allow it be extended for another year if he couldn't make it this year.  He didn't get around to mailing in anything, because he later sold it to a friend, whom he didn't wish me to contact.

When I asked him if Samantha had known he was a Trustee, or even was connected with the Orchestra, he didn't recall, but obviously that could have made a big difference.

In any case, I'm convinced we weren't dealing with an actual travel agency. As I stated, they're totally unlike any we've used in the past. Based on what we discovered, I wouldn't be surprised if they just mainly deal with packaged tours others have set up, although they may be able to coordinate things such as upgrades and excursions – which of course any individual could do on their own with Virgin Vacations – and simple things like arranging flights to connect with package gateways.

Of course we didn't have any choice once we won the bid. Our usual travel agent is one that was highly recommended in Condé Nast traveler magazine. He only accepts new clients that are recommended by current clients or who found him through Condé Nast. In case you might be interested, his website is


Subject: Refund
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 12:10:39 -0400
From: Jack Ludwick <>
To:  deleted

We have indeed received a copy of the refund credit slip from Mr. West, although, as we've come to expect, lacking the promised "accounting of all transactions regarding (our) purchase."

We're sorry that he seems to have taken our requests for information so personally.  It is clear that he is unaccustomed to have anyone question his views, but we were surprised at the intensity of his continuing, even escalating, series of intemperate outbursts.

In any case, having received no accounting of the outlays, we want to be certain that the McLean Orchestra does not suffer from our misfortune.

Let us know the amount you have received and whether this is what was anticipated.


Jack & Betty Lou Ludwick

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